Thursday, September 24, 2015

Share your Essay One Brainstorming. From Mike Lohre

Students, in the Comments section below, please write and explain the BEST of your three Essay One ideas at this point so we can see where we are at.

Let's put them all here so we can see others topics and get an idea of the range of subjects we might be covering.

Sharing ideas often helps us find direction and interests we might not have thought about.


  1. My final topic for Essay One is I'm going to Miami University to visit friends this weekend and I'm going to review the opportunities and activities that they have to offer for students and visitors.

  2. For my final topic for Essay One I plan to review Fresh and how much farming has changed through out time.

  3. My topic for Essay One will be Delaware State Park.

  4. I went to Baltimore, Maryland over the weekend and I stayed all night on a civil war ship. The ship's name was the U.S.S. Constellation and you get to experience what it was like back when the sailors lived on that ship.

  5. My Essay one will be on the Dayton Airforce Museum.

  6. My final topic for my first essay is to review the Polaris Mall and the Polaris Area as a whole. I decided to do this topic because there is a lot to review in that area and I think it will be interesting to take a deeper look into the area.

  7. My topic that I decided on for essay one is I am going to review a 5k for pancreatic cancer. My idea for this topic came to me because I am going to run this race and I have been to other Pancreatic cancer races and they are all so sad compared to other 5k's that I have run. I want to understand why these pancreatic cancer races all have a much more somber mood than other races and I want to undersatnd if it could be because pancreatic cancer is so deadly.

  8. My essay one will be on my trip to the St. Louis Rams game.

  9. My final topic for essay one is that I am going to go to the Hoover Dam and I'm going to review how other people compare it to other parks they have been to. Also, I am going to look into if the people that go to the hoover dam are people that have never been before or if its mainly people that go there at least once a week.

  10. My final topic for Essay one I will be giving a review on the film Fresh and some of the topics discussed in the film.

  11. For my final topic for Essay one I'm going to be doing Fresh, because it really struck me with how bad our food industry is and I want to explore that more.

  12. Visit the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum and write about the exhibit titled What Fools These Mortals Be! The Story of Puck.

  13. I decided to review a Taylor Swift concert I attended last weekend. I wanted to review the concert because I felt like it changed my mindset for the better. At first, I was hesitant to attend, and only did so at the will of my little sister (who's a huge Taylor Swift fan). After the concert, however, my whole view on Taylor Swift, as well as modern pop music itself, changed. Since the event was powerful enough to affect me so deeply, I beleive it would be a great event to review.

  14. For Essay 1 I am going to review the film Fresh and specificly focus on how it show how orgainc and local farming is the future of agriculture.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. For Essay 1, I am going to review Muskingum University, where I went my freshman year. I'm going to review some of the different things to do there, including clubs and other activities.

  17. For Essay 1, I am going to review Tim Hortons, specifically their ice cream, since I've never been there, but I've heard great things about it.

  18. For essay one, I am choosing the Columbus Zoo to review.

  19. My essay one review will be on my trip to East Lansing, Xichigan for the OSU vs. MSU football game.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. For my essay I am going to review the movie Hotel Transylvania 2. My younger sisters have been asking me to take them to see it, so I thought I could review the movie itself but also get both of their opinions of the movie and some of their friends' opinions.

  22. My essay one will be a review of Mingo Park and what they have to offer.

  23. For my essay, I will be reviewing a book written by Dana Perino, a former press secretary of the United States, called And the Good News Is. . . This book is a memoir of her time serving for President George W. Bush.

  24. For my first essay I reviewed the movie Fresh, I got a lot of information from it and some really good ideas to make it (Hopefully) a really great essay.


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