If I were going to review the film, I would focus on:
- The cinematography. The way the cinematography changes during the interviews, for example, helps the film communicate it’s message more effectively.
- The director. Exposition on the director and why she made the film would provide some context that would help deepen our understanding of the film.
- The primary sources. The use of primary sources, mostly food experts and people who are personally involved in farming/marketing food, is the main reason the film is so convincing.
One of the biggest strengths of the film was its optimism.
Contrary to many of other food documentaries (Food Inc., for example) Fresh
educates the viewer on the problem (our food has become industrialized to the point
of disaster) and gives the viewer hope not only that the problem can be fixed,
but that it can be fixed by them. Too often documentaries focus solely on the problems
rather than the problem and the solution. Several readily accessible courses
of action are provided to the viewer throughout the movie, from the notion that
we’re “voting with our dollar” to the link to FRESHthemovie.com at the end. Fresh
not only leaves the viewer motivated and hopeful rather than discouraged and
scared, but it also actively provides the viewer with avenues to channel that
motivation into.
The biggest weakness of the film was the limited referencing
for the people being interviewed. The film uses a lot of sources, who are each given too short of an introduction. In some cases, their name
and credentials are flashed across the screen for a brief moment and never mentioned again. In addition, the
film constantly switches between interviews with each of the sources. Throughout
the film I found it difficult to keep track of who was who, and why they were
authorized to speak on what they were speaking about.
One of the ideas that struck me most from Fresh was David
Ball’s statement that produce is 40% less nutritious today than it was in the
1950s. This statement grabbed my interest, and I decided to investigate further.
I started my research by looking up “produce is less
nutritious today than it was in the 1950s” to see if I could find the original
source Ball got this information from. This led me to a synopsis of studies
from the University of Texas from 2004. In the studies, the levels of several nutrients (including protein, calcium, phosphorous, iron, riboflavin, and ascorbic acid) in
43 kinds of produce from 1950 were compared to the corresponding nutrient levels in their counterparts
in stores from 1999 [1].
As it turns out, the scope of the problem is much larger
than what was discussed in the film. The studies found that produce from 1999
contained anywhere from a 5% to 40% drop in nutrients compared to produce
from 1950. In broccoli, for example, the calcium and vitamin A content declined by half [3]. The potassium in collard greens dropped from 400mg to
170mg, while their vitamin A content dropped from 6500 IUs (International
Units) to 3800 IUs [3].
There is no single determined cause of the nutrient decline in
produce, but there are several suspected causes. The synopsis from the University
of Texas hypothesizes that food has been selectively bred for size and yield,
which comes with a trade-off for nutrient content [1]. However, more research yielded several other theories. One
article hypothesized that, over the years, produce has been selectively bred
for taste instead of nutrient content. Since many beneficial nutrients have a
bitter taste, and getting a more appealing flavor is often a matter of
increasing the sugar and starch content, it’s suggested that by breeding for
taste we’ve effectively bred most of the nutrients out of our food [4]. Another
article suggested that the culprit is monoculture farming, which has depleted
the soil nutrients and therefore reduced the overall nutrients being absorbed
by the produce [5].
[2] Tamar Haspel. “Are Fruits and Veggies Less Nutritious Now?” Cookinglight.com. n.p. n.d. Web. 24 September 2015. < http://www.cookinglight.com/eating-smart/nutrition-101/fruits-vegetables-less-nutritious-now>
[3] Organic Consumers Association. "Is Conventional
Produce Declining in Nutritional Value?" OrganicConsumers.org, n.p.
n.d. Web. 24 September 2015. <https://www.organicconsumers.org/old_articles/ofgu/vegies121205.php>
[4] Jo Robinson. “Breeding the Nutrition out of Our Food”
Nytimes. The New York Times. 25 May 2013. Web. 24 September 2015. <http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/26/opinion/sunday/breeding-the-nutrition-out-of-our-food.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0>
[5] M.J. Stephey. “Eating Your Veggies: Not As Good For You?”
Time.com. Time. 18 February 2009. Web. 24 September 2015. <http://content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1880145,00.html>
Ruksana, you really do great research, and you really dug through the different ideas on loss of nutrients and the relationship to taste. Many theories I have read relate to the loss of soil fertility and especially the impact of minerals and all the diverse elements in soil, not just the NPK focused on in most gardening and agriculture. Great job, and all of your sources add to the discussion and our thought process.