Thursday, September 24, 2015

Exploration Four: Fresh by John Rickman

In the movie "Fresh" we viewed in class, there were many themes and problems being portrayed throughout the film. The biggest ideas presented, in my opinion, were the problems arising because of the dramatic move towards industrialized farming. The soil deprivation, because livestock were being raised in unnatural conditions, away from the grain and vegetables being grown, and since all their manure wasn't being put to use, a pollution problem was being created. If I was going to review this film, I would focus on the reasons and purpose for this sudden move into industrialized farming. The way they told this story in this movie was this movie's strength. The film's production focused in on the problems being portrayed, in such a way, that it roped and interested viewers the whole time. The varying points of view presented in this movie gave viewers multiple perspectives to the problem and provided an immense amount of information. Professor John Ilurd said, "nature creates disease to get us to step up and fix the error in our ways," which I most relate to because I believe nature has a way to try and fix itself when it's threatened by outside forces.
Because of this film, I wondered what other problems industrialized farms caused that weren't showed in the film. I found out with outside research that industrialized farmers also have a blatant disregard for their animal's well being. Most of their confinements for their animals are poorly light and air-conditioned, and most of their cages are small and don't leave much room for movement.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that industrializing farming is only going to cause problems. All it is doing is making farming less efficient while working to make more product. I also find it disgusting how animals are treated in these factories.


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