During this time period in 69 different cites from Greensboro to San Antonio more than 2,000 people were arrested for participating in sit ins in which they were fighting for the rights that we took for granted, fighting for simple rights, like when Leo Lillard was a boy and drank from the white water fountain and then drank from the colored water fountain. He said "Taste the same to me mom." They were fighting for the freedom to go wherever they pleased and for the right to drink out of the same water fountain as the whites. These people were arrested for fighting for rights they should have had all along.
During the 1950s the black community had many tactics that they used in order to get the racial equality that they were fighting for. First they participated in the sit-ins in 69 different cities, then they did the economic protests where they did not buy from the stores in downtown Nashville, and the chain stores that discriminated in the south were picketed in the north. Next they did the march, then the SNCE, and CORE, and finally the freedom rides. The one that I thought was the most effective would have to be the freedom rides, because even when everything and everyone was against them they did not give up. Jim Zwerg said "those of us who are on the Freedom Ride, we will continue the Freedom Ride. I'm not sure if I'll be able to, but we're going to New Orleans no matter what happens. We're dedicated to this, we'll take hitting, we'll take beating. We're willing to accept death. But we're going to keep coming until we can ride anywhere in the south to any place else in the south. Without anybody making any comments, just as American citizens."
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